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Destruction of the buffalo herds that were a large part of their food played a major role in controlling them.

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Q: Which factor was most effective at insuring that the Great Plains Indians would be forced to move onto reservations in the late 1800's?
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The Great Plains Indians had been put on reservations what did the The Indians had to do?

They got shot

Why did Plains Indians refuse to live on reservations?

In Native Americans of the Plains did not want to live on reservations because they destroyed their way of life. Living on the reservations did not allow the freedom that they had when living on the Plains chasing the buffalo in a nomadic lifestyle.

What was the policy call that made the plains Indians and the other western Indians live on reservations?

homeland secutiry

Are the plains Indians still alive today?

Yes. They are alive in Indian reservations in the southwest.

What were the government's plans to move the plains Indians on reservations failed to bring peace?

ich my butt

What did the Indian Peace Commission recommend?

The Indian peace Commission recommended that all plains Indians should be moved to 2 reservations, one in Oklahoma and the other in the Dakotas.

Are Comanche Indians nomadic?

Not any more - they mainly live on reservations in Oklahoma. Historically they were true Plains buffalo-hunting nomads.

Did conflicts arise between the US government and the Plains Indians because the Indians wanted to live on reservation land and farm?

Yes, conflicts arose between the US government and the Plains Indians because the Indians wanted to live on reservation land and farm. In 1851, in the First Fort Laramie Treaty, the American government guaranteed the Plains Indians that they would be left alone in their reservations, but this treaty was not honored.

Why were Plains Indians unwilling to stay on reservations?

Many Plains Indians refused to live on reservations in the early days of the United States because they were not then free to do what they wanted. They were put on reservations and basically allowed to starve because they were not free to hunt for food. To them, going to the reservation was like a death sentence.

What recommended the Indian peace commission?

The Indian peace Commission recommended that all plains Indians should be moved to 2 reservations, one in Oklahoma and the other in the Dakotas.

How did destruction of the buffalo herbs affect the plains indians' way of life?

The Plains Indian Tribes were completely dependent on the buffalo as their source of food, shelter, and clothing. When the white men began destroying the buffalo for sport, the Indians were forced to accept government policy and conform to life on the Indian Reservations.

Are plains Indians nomadic or sedentary?

nomadic or sedentary is plains indians