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Q: Which is built directly on the hardware?
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WhAT part of the os interacts with hardware?

it is kernels dt iteract directly with computer hardware

Does application software such as Microsoft Excel manipulates the computer hardware directly?

Applications interact with the operating system. It is the operating system that works directly with the hardware.

Which operating system enables programs to access hardware devices directly?

the very basic os --MS-DOS allows uers to directly have access to hardware

Is hyper terminal a software or Hardware?

It is software that directly interacts with your hardware to enable serial communications to other devices.

Which Windows system component interacts directly with the hardware?


Can you upgrade a 2.0 pixel shader to a 3.0 without buying new hardware?

No, the pixel shader is built into the hardware

Which operating system is responsible for interacting with hardware?

All operating systems interact with hardware.

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How do you control hardware in C?

Platform-dependent. If you have an OS on your computer, then most likely you cannot access hardware directly from userland programs.

What resources allows a hardware device to directly access RAM?

DMA Channel

What is hardware controler?

hardware control is a operating system. OS is used to control the elctronic devices(hardware) via user. because user can't control hardware directly so, OS is used to interface computer & user

Why does a Windows driver need to run in kernal mode?

Because it accesses hardware directly.