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WAN Domain

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What is the Internet domain for India?

.in is the Internet domain for India

Which internet domain is the least reliable?

Which internet domain is the least reliable

How do you change the primary domain in Godaddy shared hosting?

Select your primary domain by opt in . Then the change primary icon will be enable. Click on that and it will open you a new panel where you can add the new primary domain

Can Domains have many primary domain controllers?

No the reason it's called a primary Domain Controller is because it's the one controller that has all the domain names and address for that Domain.

How can one check Internet domain availability?

There are a few ways to check internet domain availability. You can check out internet domain availability at websites such as checkdomain, whois, and instantdomainsearch.

What is the basis to choose the domain to an organisation?

When you sign up for Google Apps, you give the name of the Internet domain for your organization. This domain name becomes the primary domain associated with your Google Apps account. As the account administrator, you'll use the primary domain name to sign into the Google Apps Control Panel for your account.When your organization owns multiple domain names, you need to choose one to be your primary domain. Choose carefully, because it is difficult to change once your account is established.We recommend that you choose the domain that serves as your primary business identity for messaging and collaboration. In most cases, this domain is the domain for the parent corporate business unit or top-level organization.We recommend that you sign up for Google Apps with this primary domain rather than a temporary or test domain, even if you plan to run a pilot program before rolling out Google Apps. You can add an additional domain to your Google Apps account for use during testing or a pilot.Answer By :-Swati P.

What is domain parking, what does this mean?

Domain parking is related to the internet. Domain parking refers to paying for an internet domain and then not really using the domain for anything. Some people do this to sell to someone who may want the domain later.

What is another name for domain?

Another name for domain is Internet web site. A domain is a specific location on the Internet. Persons wanting to get to a particular domain will have to know the web site address.

Where can you buy a domain?

on the internet

How do find out your own internet domain name?

The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) manages the top level development and the architecture of the Internet Domain Space. ICANN authorizes domain name registrars, which registers and reassigns domain names.

What is involved with internet domain registration?

If a person would like to register a domain name on the internet, it is usually required that they pay a small fee. This fee will keep the domain hosted. Websites like Godaddy and Dream Host have information about internet domain registration.

Define a domain and co domain?

A domain is your Internet address. co is the latest domain introduction and is a good alternative if your .com domain is not available