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Q: Which technology requires customers to be within a particular range of the service provider facility in order to be provided the maximum bandwidth for Internet access?
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Related questions

Does dish network internet have bandwidth quotas?

Dish network internet does not have bandwidth quotas. You can limit the bandwidth on your own computer if you would like to. Dish network will always try to maximize the bandwidth to customers.

Does live audio streaming use up bandwidth?

Yes. Any transfer of information over a network, in this case the internet, will use bandwidth. How much bandwidth it will use is dependent on the technology behind the streaming and how large the source file is.

What do mean by high bandwidth?

The biggest difference between high and low bandwidth is latency. The lower the bandwidth the more time the computer spends trying to download the data.

What is the difference between dedicated and shared bandwidth?

An example of shared internet access is if you get internet form a cable company it’s most likely shared. It’s basically your bandwidth shared between and others around you that have the same cable internet supplier. Usually your online during “peak hours” your internet will be slower. And your upload and download speeds change all the time. Dedicated internet access is usually for businesses. The bandwidth is not shared with other customers. And the upload and download speeds are stable.

What is meant by the term bandwidth?

Bandwidth is the amount of data that can be running to your computer. It is measured in kilobits per second, megabits per second, gigabits per second, etc. The speed varies by what connection and cabling you use.

Why is bandwidth useful?

If you're talking about internet bandwidth, then having a bigger bandwidth improves the speed of your internet. Websites/pages load up quicker and things respond faster. It's much more fun to be on a quicker internet.

Which services are available from Verizon DirectTV?

Verizon DirectTV offers high speed internet with Verizon technology to DirectTV customers. This is a newly added service of DirectTV that finally allows their customers internet access that is billed through DirectTV.

How has technology advances helped online shopping?

Internet is faster so the customers don't have to wait as long for everything to load.

How can someone monitor their bandwidth in regards to internet connection?

One can monitor their bandwidth for their internet connection by downloading a bandwidth monitoring software like: Bandwidth Download Monitor, tbb Meter, Net Meter, Net Sat Live, to name a few.

Which wireless internet providers do not have a usage cap?

Most cellular modem providers do have a monthly data cap. Cricket is one of the few that does not. However, if you go over a certain amount of bandwidth in a particular month they may lower your bandwidth to a slower speed.

Does Wii Internet waste your Internet usage?

If your Wii is connected to your internet connection, then it is using your internet therefore it is wasting your internet usage. Depending on your internet bandwidth plan, it could use up all your bandwidth or none at all if you have unlimited! :D

Where could a person find a bandwidth tester?

A bandwidth tester will determine one's internet speed and how good the connection to the internet is. One can find this capability at Internet Frog and also at Speedtester.