Macs are expensive because they can be. Macs have a gross profit margin exceeding 35%, where PC makers (Dell, HP, Gateway, etc), have margins around 6%. People are simply willing to pay for the user friendliness and platform stability that comes with Macs, as opposed to their crash and virus prone PC cousins.
Computers are expensive because they are sort of hard to make, laptops cost alot because they are able to be portable as a desktop, you can not travel with a desktop. Most desktops cost around $200-$300. Laptops usually cost around $1200-$3000.
I myself have both. I use my laptop for school work, and I use my desktop for gaming. I recommend to everyone to get a desktop. But if you do alot of school work, get a laptop.
The development of software is a detailed and long process and takes a lot more work than many people think. To properly create a quality piece of software takes many stages and lots of designing. It also has to be tested. A good piece of software can take months or even years to develop and some software is continually being updated, with new versions coming out all of the time, as more versions being worked on by a team of people. Then it may need to be mass produced and work has to go into all of the documentation and support that come with it and provided on the internet. A lot of marketing may also be needed, along with advertising. So it does cost a lot to produce software, and so it needs to be paid for.
They have different specifications, and you basically 'get what you pay for'
A computer might only have a small amount of RAM or a small hard-drive, and so would be cheaper than one with more memory and larger hard-drive.And then also it depend on the brand or type of computer.A computer like Apple are normally regard as expensive computers.
As with any other product (cars, TVs, etc.) the price of a computer will reflect the cost of developing the product, the quality of the components used, the added value of included software and a premium value the manufacturer may feel the market will support.
Apple computers are well designed, well built and come with a range of useful software. The cost represents excellent value for money. They are no more expensive than computers with similar specifications from other manufacturers.
There are catches, example in the UK we have to pay £342 extra for the same computer
There are several reasons that table PCs are so expensive. One is that it is a new product. Typically, new products are more expensive before they enter a "mass-production phase" because they are more difficult to create initially. Also, table PCs have a very durable battery, much stronger than the typical laptop batteries and they utilize touch screen features, which are relatively new technology and thus contribute to pricing.
Mid-range computers are good because they are less expensive than high-end computers. This means you can upgrade their parts to make them better, and they may still be affordable.
Yes does sell computers. It is very expensive but can be done. Staples is a very amazing place , it has just about anything there. The computers there are also reliable.
There will be no privacy, it is expensive, and if the capabilities of mind reading were in the hands of terrorists, we'd all be screwed.
This all depends on the type of components and software you want. Some cheap computers can be bought for around $200. You can also find computers that are much more expensive and range from $900 - $1,200.
This allows data to transfer between computers. The hardware for this is pretty expensive but well worth the cost for the advantages.
Intel desktop computers aren't any more expensive than computers with rival processors, such as AMD.
They are the mightiest computers. they process millions of instructions in few seconds they are the most expensive computers
The plural of computer is computersand the plural of is is are, e.g. the computer is expensive: the computers are expensive.
You can probably use to find computers that are not too expensive. You can try walmart, and sam's club too. Walmart usually has good deals on laptops, and desktops.
Usually the Sony computers are more expensive than the other computers. The average base Sony computer cost about $1000.
Mid-range computers are good because they are less expensive than high-end computers. This means you can upgrade their parts to make them better, and they may still be affordable.
They tend to be a bit more expensive but worth it.
Must be working if you posted this question.
"The best computers to buy are HPs or dells. The most expensive computers are Apple computers. Apples are worth the price if you have $1500 to spend on a laptop. If not, you can buy a nice HP for $600."
B: Supercomputers
One disadvantage to computers is the fact that they can be expensive for some people. An advantage to computers is their ability to connect people from across the world.