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Q: Why isn't plastic sustainable?
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You can be sustainable to reusing plastic bags

How sustainable is ABS plastic?

not very

Is plastic a sustainable resource?

It depends, plastic is recyclable - it is a matter of opinion really. It is sustainable if the plastic is based on a non-fossil organic product such as corn instead of petroleum products.

What is the difference between a Styrofoam cup and a plastic cup?

Plastic is bad for the environment and foam isnt

What is a person practicing when they recycle newspapers cans and plastic containers?

Sustainable living.Green lifestyle.

Are plastic pallets sustainable?

The answer is yes, iGPS plastic pallets are 100% percent recyclable and sustainable. iGPS plastic pallets are incredibly durable platforms that can make in excess of 100 trips in their lifetime before they become unfit for the purpose. They will then enter a recycling system to be reground, reformed, and reborn as a new pallet.

What alternative materials could be used in place of plastics to make them more sustainable?

It depends on what type of plastic it is.

What are some examples of non-sustainable materials?

plastic because the oil vomes from the earth and one day it will all run out

Should we keep plastic?

Plastic is tremendously useful for a great many different purposes, and I do not think that it would be practical to simply stop using it. However, we can certainly use it in a more intelligent and more environmentally sustainable manner.

What is a sustainible plastic?

1% or less of all oil consumption goes toward making plastics, so it is a sustainable source. However, we also consume oil as fuel, and THAT is where oil becomes an unsustainable source. If we can move away from oil as a fuel, then oil becomes sustainable.

Is plastic dangerous?

Plastic is dangerous because the paint on it has somewhat of a kind of chemical which makes people, animals, plants die.

What is sustainable and non sustainable?

sustainable things save energy and non sustainable things don't help the environment