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There are many reasons for using a computer over a typewriter.

1. You can edit your work as you type, without using more ink and paper.

2. You can work in colour, change the font, and use tools like spell-checker.

3. You can put pictures into the document without having to glue them in afterwards.

4. Computers are much more readily available than typewriters in most places.

5. You can cross reference and multi-task while using a compuer.

6. You can access websites like Wikianswers on the computer. ;)

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12y ago

THe best advantage of word processor is that we can modify, enhance and delete the text. In word processor we need not to type the entire document again as we have to do in typewriter. Moreover, we can add colour and graphics to our text. All these fatures are not available in typewriter.

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What is the advantages of using computer over typewriter?

you can do way more with a computer then a typewriter. u have apps and internet there is way more 2 do. If you are just talking about writing a document. Then you can delete mistakes on a computer much faster than a typewriter. Also you can type faster on a computer keyboard than on a typewriter.

What advantages does a typewriter have over a computer?

The biggest advantage that a typewriter has over a computer is that it does not require electricity. You can still type a letter during the day even if there is a power outage. It will likely last many years longer as well.

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The layout of letters and numbers and most symbols are the same, as well as the other keys such as space, shift and tab. Most computer keyboards have a set of function keys and a number pad not found on a typewriter.

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The only consequence was the loss of jobs in the manufacturing of typewriters and the maintenance of them but most of those involved managed to switch over to computer manufacture or maintenance.

How has a typewrier changed over time?

One of the biggest changes to the typewriter over time was the introduction of the QWERTY keyboard layout. Originally typewriters were laid out in alphabetical order, and the commonly used keys would strike one another when typing quickly and become jammed. The QWERTY keyboard layout was designed to keep the most commonly used letters away from each other in order to prevent keys being jammed.

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