Yes you can open the file with a progam then save it again with the jpeg file extention. When you save (Windows) there will be a drop down list of the file extentions that the file can be saved as or you can change the file extention manually by typing .jpeg. bare in mind some applications you may not be able to save as a jpeg but many generic apps can. you may loose some picture quality though!
Right click on the picture in web browser and select Save Picture as... to save the picture. If the picture can be saved only as bmp, then the picture is not a jpeg image. If it was ajpeg image, you can specify the target format as either jpeg or bmp.
Usually pictures of JPEG or BMP occupy more space than the GIF which occupies the low space. In JPEG and BMP there is space for the background also.
JPEG and BMP image types use different programs and algorithms to record and store the data. The BMP (bitmap) is the older format while the JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) format is more recent. One difference between a JPEG and a BMP file is that the bitmap file is larger in size. This is due to the JPEG file being compressed which in turn causes a loss in picture quality.
jpeg is smaller (followed by png, gif and a bmp-which is largest).
A picture format is the style the picture is encoded in. For example; .jpeg (Pronounced Jay-peg), .png, .gif and .bmp are all common picture formats.
File formats supported by PSP: jpeg (jpg), tiff, gif, png, bmp
The effect of the GIF,JPEG,PNG,BMP and TIFF on the data transfer
.jpeg, .bmp, .png
Image file formats.
No. EXIF is part of the JPEG format.
First you select the photo or picture what you want in JPEG format, then copy into paint program then go to click the save as option, the box shown in .bmp format, you have select JPEG format to save. It is very simple to use. Thank you
jpeg takes up less