can table and field names be up to 64 characters in length?
The maximum length of a directory name or file name is affected by the location itself.The maximum length of the path to a file on a modern Operating System is 255 characters.
no names can be up to 64 characters in length.
Names can be up to 64 Characters in length. You can find the answer in your text book page AC8 at the top =)
Windows 95 supported file names up to 255 characters in length.
A string data type with a fixed length would be appropriate for storing a person's name in a fixed-length field. This ensures that all names are stored uniformly and can accommodate the longest expected name in the field.
The length of a file name is generally limited by the combination of OS and filesystem. Most common configurations: Windows XP/7 on NTFS has a max path+filename+ext (yes, full path and filename combined) length of 260. Path and folder take a minimum of 3 characters ("C:"), so you are left with effectively 257. Windows 98/95/3.x/DOS on FAT32 had max filename+ext length of 8+3. Most Linux/Unix filesystems have max filename+ext length of 255
Katie and Micah Sloat
does anyone know the names of the two new characters in shameless?
Names that start with the letters of S and Y and are only 6 characters in length would include Sydney, Silver and Sidney.
The characters' names are Doodle, Brother (the narrator), Mama, Daddy and Aunt Nicey.