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Use the button "Pr Scrn" on keyboard, without minimizing what u wanna capture then press it. U should goto graphic editors like MS Paint and Press CTRL+V, save the image…

U could also try PCHand Screen Capture, it could help u capture anything on the screen. Im using it, it is easy to use, even for a Novice. …Hope it could help u!

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Q: How can you 'print the screen' for a movie on your computer?
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How you screenshot something on a computer?

The print screen button on your computer takes a still screenshot and pastes it to your clipboard. Whenever you open up any application after hitting your print screen key, you can paste the image of your computer screen.

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The BASIC computer command that calls letters and numbers up on a screen is the print command.

How do you make a still photo from a movie?

If you watch the movie on your laptop/computer, pause it at the bit you want to keep and press the print screen button. Open paint, paste it and there you have it.

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if you have to get close to the computer screen to see the print, then yes. it is.

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print screen it and paste it on a word document

How can someone take a screen shot?

A screenshot on a Windows XP computer may be done by pressing the 'Print Screen' button, or on a Windows 7 computer by navigating to Start Menu > Accessories > Snipping Tool in addition to the 'Print Screen' function.

Do your tickets print out from the movie tickets website?

If you are talking about, then yes, they should print. Make sure to click a print link on the screen to assure you get your movie tickets!

What BASIC computer command calls letters and numbers on a screen?

The BASIC computer command that calls letters and numbers up on a screen is the print command.

What basic computer command calls letters and numbers up on the screen?

The basic computer command that calls letters and numbers up on the screen is "print" in many programming languages. The "print" command is used to display text or numerical values on the screen for the user to see. It is a fundamental function in computer programming for communicating information to the user in a readable format.

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Can be taken by pressing the print screen key?

A screen shot can be taken by pressing the print screen key. This would allow a user to capture the entire display of the computer monitor.

How do you take a quick screen shot on your computer?

Use the [Print Screen] key to capture the entire desktop or [CTRL]+[Print Screen] to capture the current window. The snapshot is placed on the clipboard which can then be pasted into any suitable image editor.