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Click on the letter at the top of the spreadsheet for the column you want to resize. Click the "Home" tab. Click on "Format" in the "Cells" area on the ribbon. Click on

"Autofit column width". This will size the column to the largest cell in the column.

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Q: How do you change column width to fit the contents?
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How do you change the width of column f so that the contents automatically fit within the column in excel?

Double click on between the heading for column F and column G. When you put the cursor there, it will change to a bar with arrows to the left and to the right.

What is it called when the width of a column will be increased or decreased so the widest entry will fit? to contents

What makes the width of the column increase or decrease so the widest entry can fit?

It is called Auto-Fit Column width. You will find it in the cell format options. When you click on the Auto-Fit button, your column will automatically expand to allow room for the widest contents of a cell in the column.

In Microsoft Excel what automatically resizes the column to fit the width of the columns contents?

In Microsoft Excel, double-click on the line that separates the column labels (the letters at the top of the spreadsheet). The column will resize to fit the contents of the widest value in that column. This usually works unless the contents of the cell are the result of a formula.

What does it mean that the width of a column will be increased or decreased so the widest entry will fit?

Each column has a set width when you start. As you type text into different cells, some of that text will be too wide to fit into its cell. Different pieces of text are different widths. If you looked down a column, it would have to be made wide enough to allow the longest piece of text fit in a cell. At the top of each column there is a letter to identify it. If you put the cursor on the dividing line between it and the next column header, the mouse pointer will change to a double arrow. If you then double click it will then find the longest piece of text or other data in the column and adjust the column width so that it fits perfectly into it. If the text is wider than a cell, then the column will widen out to fit it. If it is narrower, the column width will reduce its size to fit it.

Does Best fit means that the width of the column will be increased or decreased by a percentage you specify?

If you mean in a Word table, or something similar, "best fit" means that column widths will be adjusted according to the contents. It is not a fixed percentage. If a column contains a lot of text, that column will be made wider; if another column is almost empty, such a column will get narrower.

When you double click between columns headings the border between the columns do what?

The column to the left will widen or narrow out to fit the widest entry in the column. The column to the right will move, but its width will not change.

What action sets the width of a column to fit the longest entry in the column in Excel?

The auto-fit column width, which you can do by placing the cursor between the border of the column headings of the column you want to widen and the column to its right. You will get a bar with two arrows showing on it and if you then double click, it will widen the column to the appropriate size to fit the widest entry.

What happen when you double click a column border?

The column width is adjusted to fit the text

what does Best fit means that the width of the column will be increased or decreased by a percentage you specify?

No. It will increase in width to fit the widest text in the column. If you double click between the header of the column you want and the header of the column to its right, when you see the double-headed arrow, it will do it.

What happens when you double click a cell in excel?

If you click right between the heading of two columns, when the mouse pointer changes to a double headed arrow, it will trigger an autofit. This will set the width of the column to be equal to the widest contents of a cell in the column. This may mean the column will get wider or narrower.

What will cause the width of the column to increase or decrese so the widest entry will fit?

Click on column auto-width in the cells format section.