Right click on its tab, and there are several options, including one to delete the sheet.
delete command would delete selected word,line, paragraph or even sheet. Whereas delete sheet command would delete the whole sheet
If there is any data in the sheet, then it will give you a dialog box when you try to delete it. If there is no data in it, then it will delete it without a dialog box. This is because you cannot lose anything when you delete it and you can easily add in another sheet if you did want one back.
Yes, the delete key can delete a word from powerpoint if the word you want deleted goes after the cursor or if you highlight the word, you can press the delete key instead of the backspace.
The root word for "delete" is "dele," which comes from the Latin word "deleΜre," meaning "to destroy."
The Delete command.
Its a sheet of information on Microsoft word
Its a sheet of information on Microsoft Word
We can delete text in MS Word by using the delete button on the keyboard. You can also use the backspace or even the space bar button to delete unwanted text.
Did You Delete the files off of the computer ?
You cannot delete it, it's a default on myspace.
There are five phonemes in the word "delete": /d/, /i/, /l/, /iΛ/, /t/.
The anagram is the word "delete."