go to photos then albums and there should be a plus sign in the top right corner
Open the photos app. Tap the box with an arrow icon in the top right corner. Then tap on all the photos you want in the album. Then tap Add To also in the top right corner and tap Create A New Album
you'll have to make a new album, put that picture in the new album, and make that new album private.
I think you can make them different color by yourself. You can change different colors of cases for you ipad.
Yes and no. They still make music but it is up to them to make a new album.
The new iPad's name is..... wait for it.... this is great....... New iPad.
There was no product known as the iPad 3. The 3rd generation iPad was known as the 'new iPad'. The fourth generation iPad will also be known as the 'new iPad'.
They will start making a new album in April or may of 2011. Lars ( Ulrich: Drummer ) said that they will be making a new album then.
The original iPad, just know as the iPad was first, then came the iPad 2. The latest model is known as New iPad. (not iPad 3 or iPad HD or ????).
Hawk Nelson is not planning to make a new album in 2010.
It did not appear on their newest album Nightmare, but if they make a new album it may appear on it.
Add an album through the following steps: 1. Make sure you have sufficient iTunes credit. 2. Go on the iTunes app pre-installed on your iPod. 3. Tap "search" then tap the search bar 4. enter album name 5. Find it in the results and tap "download". Hope this helps.
it's name is the new ipad