The following site tells you how to stop automatic windows updates from crashing your computer...
To buy a license.
BY discontenting it and restarting it
Run stinger from mcafee ,update your windows and also get a good firewall like zone alarm
Normally, yes. YouTube the app runs on your computer or run from the internet will stop loading when you break the connection from restarting your computer.
Check out the following link. If you are using Windows, then you can't stop it. Because errors that require restarting your computer are "Critical errors". In other words, the system cannot keep running because some main part has crashed
Buy a licenced copy of Windows and install it.
Only for Windows Vista, but you can use it on Windows XP, but that will stop Multiplayer from working.
I have the same problem ! And it wont let me update my computer
Often this is solved by waiting or restarting your computer. But you can try clicking Ctrl+Alt+Del, enter Task Manager, then the process tab and stop explorer.exe(not to be mistaken by iexplorer.exe). Then go to the applications tab and click new task. Enter explorer.exe and hit Enter. If none of this help your computer will have good use of a re-installation or cleaning of your Windows.
No don't stay with xp or get Windows 7 unless you want to have your computer crash non-stop
You may have a problem with your mouse driver. I have heard that uninstalling your mouse driver, shutting down your computer and restarting, and re-installing your mouse may fix the problem. This is much easier (automatic) with Windows XP and Vista but less so with Win2k (have your install disk handy). This should not have anything to do with the performance of your computer.