Simply open up your Applications folder (/users/[yourusername] and drag the Application to the Trash. (Obviously, replace [yourusername] with your User Name.) Once you empty the trash it should be gone. The only thing is, it leaves preference files behind, so here's where they are located:
Simply delete those 2 files and your Mac will be as if you never downloaded Audacity.
There is a version of Audacity for Mac OS X (See links below).
i am selling my computer how do i uninstall net nanny? on mac
Drag it to the trash.
I'd imagine the same way you uninstall other programs on Macintosh laptops.
I wish I knew. I've tried all suggestions made but still unable to uninstall - what a pain!
In Mac: Click Safari then preferences. Click extensions. Gaming Wonderland can be seen there then click uninstall.
Mac, and more specifically Garage band. Or audacity if your publishing it to any were except iTunes.
For Windows, I would check out Audacity for basic sound editing and Wavelab Essentials for more mastering abilities. For Mac, Audacity and Peak LE.
You go to 'control panel' on your computer. Somewhere there will be a line saying "Uninstall programs". You click on this and all programs will appear. Highlight Roblox and click on 'Uninstall this program'
You can remove programs from LaunchPad on a Mac, but you cannot uninstall LaunchPad itself. The LaunchPad lets you see, organize and easily open your apps on your Mac.
Unless the disc is damaged and so needs reformatting you can run the Mac OS installer over an existing Mac OS.
Audacity is one of the best free programs for recording out there, and you can find a Mac OS X binary at the official site: