16 cups.
It is 16 cups.
1gal = 4qt 8qt x 1gal/4qt = 2 gal
12 cups or 3 pints
Pay attention in class Joking 4qt
It equals 8pt
4qt in one gal. so 2qt in a half gal.
About 5qt. To be safe, fill with 4qt, and check dipstick. If more is needed, add 1/4qt. etc.
1gal = 4qt 34qt x 1gal/4qt = 8.5gal Yes. Nine gallons is more than 34 quarts.
12 cups 1 gallon = 16 cups 1 cup = 0.06 gallon
how many cups is in 1500ml how many cups is in 1500ml how many cups is in 1500ml
how many cups are in 456 g