Ounces is a measure of weight, millimeters is a measure of length, the two do not compare or convert.
The conversion formula is: 29.5735 x ounces = millilitersMilliliters = 29.5735 x 4Milliliters = 118.294
about 4oz.
1cc = 1ml and there is 30ml/ounce. 120cc (or ml) = 4oz or 1/2 cup liquid
4oz = 113.4g
4 US fluid ounces = 118.29 ml
4 fluid ounces is 118.3 (118.294) mL
There are approximately 118.29 cc in 4 fluid ounces.
4 oz is half a cup.
4 ounces = 113.398093 grams
4oz is 113.4 grams.
Anywhere from $3.99 to $5 for a 4oz bottle