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A diagram is any graphic that represents information. A Venn Diagram is a diagram with circles overlapping.

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Q: Is a diagram two circles put together?
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What is the difference between a Venn diagram with 2 circles and one with 3 circles?

A venn diagram with 2 circles is comparing and contrasting two things while a venn diagram with three circles is comparing and contrasting two things to the same one subject instead of with each other.

What logo is two half circles interlocked?

A venn diagram.

How do you use a venn diagram?

You place information in two overlapping circles.

How do you put 7 small circles in 3 big ones so that each big circle as 4 small circles?

Draw three circles that touch in a shape of a circle. Draw two small circles in each big one and another in the intersection. It is supposed to be a Venn Diagram.

What is a diagram in math?

A Venn diagram involves two overlapping circles. In one circle, write a subject and all the related ideas to that subject. Do the same thing in the other circle. Then, where the circles overlap, write what the two subjects have in common.

How do you find the lcm of 3 and 6 using the venn diagram?

Using a Venn diagram for this problem is overkill, since 6 is a multiple of 3 and will automatically be the LCM of this problem. But if you insist... Put a 3 in the left circle and put a 6 in the space where the two circles intersect.

What are two circles intertwined called?

A Venn diagram. It is a thinking tool used for comparing things.

How do you draw a Venn diagram to the probability of two independent events a and b?

the circles do not overlap at all.

How does a venn diagram help you write a compare and contrast character analysis?

With the two circles of the Venn each side is the difference between the two items. The central section where the circles meet are the things that are the same about them. By laying this out as a diagram you are able see the differences and what is the same.

How do I compare and contrast Italian and northern renaissance?

with a Venn diagram. its when you use two large circles that are overlapping.

How do you solve venn diagram?

A Venn Diagram consists of two overlapping circles. Each circle includes information about an item or topic. The overlapping portion includes information that the two have in common.

Is a diagram and a venndiagram the same thing?

a Venn diagram consists of two overlapping circles, and is generally used as a compare and contrast diagram. a diagram in general is just a way to show information. in short, they are not the same thing, a venn diagram is a type of diagram.