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No, Loudspeaker is an output device.

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Q: Is loudspeaker an input device
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Microphone input or output?

A microphone has a voltage output and an acoustical input. Only the sound wave can move the diaphragm of the microphone and a voltage signal comes out. That goes to to an amplifier and to a loudspeaker.

A microphone is an input or output device?

Because the microphone delivers voltage that goes to the amplifier. The microphone is an output device. A loudspeaker is an input device.

How is microphone used as output device?

A microphone is a source that sends an output to its male plug. A loudspeaker is a load and receives an input at its female plug.

Find the definition for input and name one input device?

An input, with regards to electronics, is any device or peripheral that provides data to an information processing system, such as a computer. An example of an input device is a keyboard which inputs data to a PC.

What are called as input devices Give two examples?

An input device is basically any device or peice of equipment that you connect to a computer ect that sends data into the computer to be processed. Examples can include anything from keyboards or mice to temperature and pH probes to digital cameras. Note that devices such as printers and moniters are OUTPUT devices, ie they display information.

What are output?

A microphone and a computer mouse has only an output. That is an input device. A loudspeaker and a printer has only an input. That is an output device. A read-write CD/DVD, floppy disk, tape drive, and hard drive are all I/O devices because they can be used to store and retrieve data.

Is a touchpad an input device or an output device?

It is an input device.

Is numeric keypad a storage device or input device or output device?

it is an input device

Is micr a output device?

The full form of MICR is Magnetis Ink Character Reader.

What is a device which transforms electrical energy to sound energy?

A loudspeaker

Is CD or DVD an input or output device?

it is input

Is a webcam an input device or an output device?

Web-cams are input devices.