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Static Discharge is Main one(kills Hardware before you can start up the machine)(use grounding strap)

Also Power supply (not powerful enough to run componets)

Incompatible Cards(PCI,ISA,PCI EXPRESS,MCA, ETC)

Case too small

Drives too small for slots in machine

Drives to large for case slots and or bays

Incompatible drive connections(cables cannot be connected, can be power or data)

missing drive rails(not all machines use them)

heat sink not installed correctly

DOA Parts

Corrupt BIOS(basic Input, Output System)

incompatible BIOS(shipped Motherboard does not support CPU bought with it.)

Incompatible Video card power draw(card or cards you got use too much power)

Bad OP sys disk or disks

Bent pins on connectors

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Q: What are problems encounted when assembling a PC?
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It looks like you're trying to yell in caps. Just saying.

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The best option for a PC help with problems would be to find a trouble shooting guide for your particular PC. This would be a good way to start. PC support the website has many of them.

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Drives first. Pg. 60: A+ Guide to Managing and Maintaining Your PC. Jean Andrews, 8th Edition.

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