

Best Answer
  • Mini computers are large.
  • They are expensive.
  • They are powerful but not as much as main frame computers.
  • They are used for scientific purposes.
  • Number of users are less than of the main frames.
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Kenyatta Baumbach

Lvl 10
1y ago
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11y ago

When the term "minicomputer" initially was coined it denoted a physically small, low-cost computer using available technology and designed to perform a specific function. Usage of these devices was limited mainly to the laboratory, certain process-dependent industrial tasks, and special-purpose computational problems. Today, the minicomputer is no longer limited to such systems. However, not all computing specialists, library systems analysts, and librarians realize that the situation is rapidly changing and will continue to do so. Sometimes the feelings one experiences when discussing mini- computers, particularly as independent processors, may be conveyed by the following verse : Automation Is Vexation, Quarternions are bad; Analysis Situs Is only detritus I wonder: Have I been had? 1 The misconceptions which were based on the qualities of minicomputers until the last few years were: 1. slow instruction execution time and cycle time, 2. small memory with lack of expansion, 3. lack of peripheral equipment, 4. lack of peripheral device interfaces, 5. low reliability and unsatisfactory maintenance services, 6. poor programming instruction sets, 7. lack of vendor-supplied software, 8. greater programming difficulty, 9. lack of character addressability, 10. lack of hardware multiply and divide, and 1 1 . image as front-end processors requiring large host computers for file updating and output processing. This paper seeks to dispel these misconceptions in the broad sense, although one can see that individual minicomputers have specific strengths and weaknesses dependent upon the end application use. The minicomputers considered here are machines available currently and developed in the last two to three years.

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In what year was the minicomputer invented?

The minicomputer was invented as early as the mid 1960s and were sold for a cheaper price than the larger computers from competitors that were on the market. It is rarely called a minicomputer now, it is now known as a midrange computer.

What is the cost of a minicomputer system?

Minicomputer systems (desktop, network, laptop, and handheld devices) range in price from $15,000 to $150,000.

Who invented the minicomputer and when?

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Who invented the minicomputer?

John Regarht

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Is a laptop a minicomputer?

No, laptops and PCs are microcomputers.

Who invented the first minicomputer?

The first successful minicomputer was the DEC (Digital Equipment Corporation) PDP-8, introduced in 1965. They sold more than 50,000.

What is the purpose of minicomputer?

so that when you are on the run you can have a minicomputer in your purse or "European shoulder bag" as some call it, and in a way its easier to maintain, its lighter and fun to play games on.

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Who is the Inventor of minicomputer?

Carlos Negrete and Harlon Anderson