the terminal can be a strong tool in the right hands if one knows what they are doing they can do in ten minutes what may take an hour or more by going through gui (Graphical User Interface) menus you can automate mundane tasks and keep resources used much lower by only passing necessary commands.
Ubuntu has a command interface, Its called a terminal
press ALT+F2 and type "gnome-terminal" without the quotes or go to Applications->Accesories->Terminal. Gud Luck with using Ubuntu.
mkdir directory-name
[sudo] acpi -b
Ubuntu uses many file formats, many of which are shared with Windows and Macintosh. The partition format the Ubuntu generally uses is an ext4 filesystem.
Yes, Ubuntu is an operating system, that uses the Linux Kernel.
Just run these commands in the terminal: sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get upgrade Let ubuntu update itself.
Ubuntu uses the ext4 file journaling system, which doesn't get fragmented.
Ubuntu uses the Linux kernel, which is a monolithic kernel with loadable modules.
Go to Applications ----> Accessories ------> Terminal, and type in banshee, then hit enter
There is a GUI tool that you can use, or try the 'passwd' command in a terminal window.
GNOME X server bash shell for terminal And many other.