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Q: What is an intersection of a column and row?
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What is the intersection of a row and a column in a worksheet called?

The intersection of row and column is called a cell.

Is the intersection of a column and row?

The intersection is called a cell.

What is the intersection of a row and column?

The intersection is called a cell.

Is a spreadsheet label the intersection of a column and a row?

No. A label is a heading for data in a spreadsheet. It would be in a cell, which is what the intersection of a column and a row is.

Is a column and row go in a spreadsheet cell?

A cell is the intersection of a column and a row.

The intersection of a row and column?


Intersection of a column and a row?


Is the range is the intersection of a row and a column?

A cell is the intersection of a row and a column. A range is a group of two or more adjacent cells, in a rectangular form.

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What is the intersection of a column and row in a spreadsheet called?

The area formed by the intersection of rows and column is called "cell".

What is the intersection of a column and row in Excel called?

The intersection of a column and row in excel called "cell"