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Q: What is process control system in Management information system?
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What is the difference between operation support system and management support system?

OSS operation support system process data generated by business process system which involves the telecommunication network including VOIP, broadband, bill generation etc. IT has 3 partsTPS (transaction process system)PCS (process control system)OAS (office automation system)While Management support system :- it provides information and support, needed for effective decision making by managers.MIS (management information system)DSS (decision support system)EIS (executive information system)By:-Meetanshu Mittal

What is management control system?

Management control is the process by which manager influence other members of the organisation to implement the organisation strategies.

What is management accounting and control system?

Management accounting is defined as "the process of identifying, measuring and communication economic information to permit informed judgments and decisions by users of the information" (Colin Drury, Management and cost accounting, sixth edition, page 5) Management control systems are "the process of ensuring that a firms activities conform to its plan and that its objectives are achieved. (Drury 7th ed> p387)

What is full form of MIS report?

Full form of MIS is Management Information System. MIS Needs to work on Excel to create their reports.

What is enovia?

Enovia Matrix one is a plm (product life cycle management) tool. It is a information management system provides flexibility to organise information according to our projects , product or business model. It helps to manage,control and improve the process and relate information.

What is meant by management process?

Management process refers to planning and controlling the performance or execution of an activity in an organization. There can be two types of management processes including; process management and project management. Process management deals with the performance and management system. Management process is conducted by the top management of the company. It is the most important process because it gives the control to management over the tasks of the company.

What kind of process is content migration?

content migration is the process of moving information stored on a web content management system (CMS), Digital asset management(DAM), Document management system(DSM), or flat HTML based system to a new system.

Functions of management information system?

management information system

History of management information system?

The history of management information system started as computer usage evolved in the fields of business and data management. Software applications were needed to process data and the business world had to create information-based applications for networks.

What is process management in terms of computing?

Process management in terms of computing is allocating resources in the operating system so that processes such as information exchange and sharing can be completed.

What is process control block in operating system?

All of the information needed to keep track of a process when switching is kept in a data package called process control block.s A PCB is a data structure in the operating system kernel containing the information needed to manage a particular process. The PCB is the manifestation of a process in an operating system,