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It's source code is not publicly distributed or documented.

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Q: What makes windows a proprietary operating system?
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What company makes the Windows operating system?

Windows is a microsoft product !

Windows and Macintosh computers use the same operating system?

Windows is an operating system developed by Microsoft. Apple makes Macintosh computers that run Apple's own Mac OS X operating system but can also run the Windows operating system.

What is a Windows XP used for?

Its an Operating system which makes the computer do the commands you need it to do.

Why is windows 3.11 not true operating system software?

What makes you think Windows 3.i is not an operating system? Actually Windows 3.1 came as two parts, Windows 3.1 and MS DOS. Windows still comes that way! MS DOS is the operating system that runs the computer. Windows 3.1 contains the programs that you used. The operating system and the programs in Windows 7 are made separately, you simply do not realize that when you use the program.

Who is developing the operating system?

Operating systems are developed by 3 major companies. Microsoft makes Windows, Macintosh makes macs, and Linux makes Linux operatin systems. There are a variety of versions of each OS.

Is windows 95 old?

Windows 95 was released in 1995, hence the name.

What file system can be used by all Microsoft operating systems?

Windows makes use of the FAT and NTFS file systems.

What Operating System is typically best for server hosting?

Windows is typically the best system for server hosting. The reason for this is compatibility and better "bang for your buck." Frankly in the corporate world there are cheaper Windows PCs and for that reason it is the widely used operating system which makes sense for the use of a compatible system to host a server.

Is Microsoft PowerPoint included with Windows 7 home premium?

No. Windows 7 is an operating system that makes your computer work. Microsoft PowerPoint is an application that is included with MS Office.

What is the Windows definition?

If you mean the Windows OS (operating system) it is basically what makes your computer run. if you mean like a window, it is simply the part of the screen that a program takes up. For instance, the internet browser you used to post this question opened in a window. hope this helps!

How do you exit the operating system on computers?

Basically, you shut the computer down. Procedure for that depends on the specific operating system. Operating system is what makes a computer do things. Even the thing the loads the main operating system for a given computer is a small operating system in itself. For example, the thing that loads Windows or Linux up is called BIOS, and that stands for Basic Integrated Operating System. Once you exit all the operating system(s) you may as well shut down the machine (if it does not shut down by itself.)

What are Advantages and disadvantages of apple operating system?

Disadvantages: Can't run programs built for windows on the operating system native to Mac(Snow leppord) and Apple has very expensive computers Advantages: Smoother operating system, Apple does not just make their software but it makes its hardware(the computers body) unlike most companies, which makes it run more smoothly than other devices. Also you can run multiple operating systems on a Mac such as windows so, if you choose, you can install windows XP or 7 and run whatever you want on that at the same time that you have Snow Leopard running.