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Dual-layer DVDs are the optimal type of DVD to use on a multi-drive DVD. Dual-layer DVDs are preferred due to the amount of storage capacity they contain.

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Q: What type of DVDs for super multi drive DVD on Gateway computer?
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What does a DVD-Super Multi Drive do?

A DVD Super Multi drive has the ability to both read and write DVD discs. This type of drive does not support LightScribe.---- according to the HP website,,,,,,,,,, The super multi drive does support LightScribe. And this is a program that adds a picture or information to a cd or dvd after writing/burning it by flipping the disc over after the burn is complete.... And YES you can read and write both cds and dvds with the super multi drive...IN MY OPINION....... Use Dual layer DVDs when burning because they have more storage space, just under 9GB on a single DVD. Web addresses cannot post here, but go to h10032 dot www1 dot hp dot com slash ctg slash Manual slash c00774531 dot pdf....... lol

What does 8x DVD - super multi double layer drive means?

8X DVD super multi Double Layer Support reads and write DVDs but cant read or write CDs.. DVD-RAM support, notably, is absent (though it can be unofficially enabled on some drive models), and Apple has never offered a proprietary Blu-Ray drive or supported the format.

Does DVD Super Multi Optical Drive read and burn cds?

From toshiba's website on a Satellite laptop specs: DVD-SuperMulti drive (+/-R double layer) supporting up to 11 fomats

Can a DVD-super multi double-layer drive read Blu-ray DVD?

No. Only Blu-Ray players and/or drives will read Blu-Ray

What does super Multi DVD means?

Super Multi DVD is a term used to describe a type of recorder that writes DVD-R/DVD-RW, DVD+R/DVD+RW and DVD-RAM formats. They usually are not supported by LightScribe, HD-BURN or GigaRec.

What is a super multi DVD burner?

Multi DVD burner is a specification for optical media drives. Super Multi DVD burner or Super AllWrite refers to a drive that reads and writes i.e CD-R/RW, DVD-R/RW, DVD+R/RW and DVD-RAM. They usually do not support LightScribe, HD-BURN or GigaRec either. Overburning may or may not be possible.thanks

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