Floppy disk may be of any type is always portable, however the floppy disk "drives" are fixed.
floppy disk
A floppy disk is an old type of removable, computer memory storage.
Boot sector virus
Floppy disk.
A user loadable disk drive.
The most common type of computer file storage is Hard Disk , it is in built with computer . External Storage is Like CD , DVD , Pen Drive , Floppy Drive .
Not sure what you're looking for here. We always just called them 'floppy disk drives.'
-no because the inner dick will not be able to spin up to speed for the disk to read it -the best way is to find an older computer and convert all the files from the floppy disks to a normal CD-rom type disk
The capacity of a disk depends on its type. You're probably thinking about a standard 3½" floppy disk. It holds 1440*1024 bytes, which equals 1474560 bytes. For other capacities, look below
You can open "My Computer", right-click on the floppy, and select "Format". Or, open up a command window and type FORMAT A:
A file can be corrupted on a floppy disk any number of ways. Some of the more common ones are whenever you put the floppy disk near a magnet or some other source of ionized metal, if you try and pull the floppy disk out of the tray before the computer is done reading or writing it, or even if you somehow expose the inner part of the floppy disk to any type of electronic device (because of the electromagnetic waves that the electronic device gives off). As to how to retrieve the corrupted file, I don't know of any way to retrieve it.