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Depending on your Blackberry device, you can choose the OS. To do so

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Q: Which Operating System is using in blackberry?
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Does the blackberry have HTC?

No. Blackberry and HTC are two different smartphone companies. If you meant "android", the operating system that most HTC phones use, then the answer is also no. Blackberry smartphones run on their own operating system by RIM

What is so new about the blackberry bold 9780?

The Blackberry Bold 9780 has the new 6 operating system.

Can you change an operating system of mobile phones?

you can update blackberry OS

Which is the OS version in BlackBerry 7250? OS is the latest operating system for the BlackBerry 7250. The blackberry 7250 is a top of the line blackberry only succeeded by the next version which is the 8808 Rodgers.

What phone system does Blackberry use?

Blackberry has its own operating system. It is called Blackberry OS. Blackberry's can use any phone system, like Verizon, AT&T, etc. All of those services offer the same kind of phone service, but it just has a different name.

If you are using Windows Vista what operating system are you probably using?

Windows Vista is the operating system.

What is the OS used in blackberry?

Version 5.0 is the highest software update available for a Bold 9000

How are the pantech link and blackberry similar What are the differences?

The Pantech Link is similar to a Blackberry, but unlike Blackberry it is just intended as a messaging phone -- it doesn't have the full Blackberry operating system. The Pantech Link is also likely to be quite a bit cheaper than a Blackberry.

What is unique operating system?

Every operating system is unique to the person who is using it!

How does one upgrade the Blackberry operating system?

Information on upgrading the Blackberry operating systems can be found on the official Blackberry sites (country-specific) in the support forums and in the software section (if one already knows what to do). Online site Crackberry also offers helpful information on this subject too.

What is the meaning of os in blackberry phone?

os means 'operating system'. This is a pretty common acronym. : dos - disk operating system, ios - iphone operating system, macos etc etc. so you have mentions of os 5, os 6 etc to show which version of the operating system is being referred to.

A user communicates with the operating system by issuing what?

A user communicates with the operating system by using a keyboard. You can also communicate with the operating system by using a mouse.