You can put them on a cookie sheet.
you have to mix together milk , coco powder, melted butter, and a spoon of vanilla extract heat it up grease cookie sheet put chocolate on the cookie sheet wait to cool then eat!
set it down
A cooking sheet is used for like if you want to make cookies you would put the dough on the sheet (but spread them a little apart so the cookies can get bigger). There are other things that look like cookie sheets but they are pizza pans its the same thing as a cookie sheet just round.
Absolutely!! 350 degrees Fahrenheit for 30 miinutes. Make sure to put them upside down on a rack over a foil covered cookie sheet so that any extra fat is drained (yuck - you don't want to eat all that fat!) enjoy!
Put them in a pan with the cut-side down. You can use a cookie sheet if you don't have a big pan. Just cover the cookie sheet with aluminum foil. If you have a big pan, add two cans of Coke. Bake them at 350 degrees. I don't know how long, since you didn't say how muvch they weigh.
Put on a cookie sheet in a preheated 350 degree oven for 5 minutes or until warmed.
this is the recipie my mom uses : put sprinkles (confiettie) in some sugar cookie batter. seperate into small balls about one table spoon each 2 inches apart on greased cookie sheet. u can use tin foil instead of grease. bake @ 350 degreees for 20-30 minuts, or utill brown.let sit for 5 minuts.
Fanboy and Chum Chum - 2009 Funny Face Put That Cookie Down was released on: USA: 22 October 2012
Line them with cookie sheet or grease the pan with butter. Don't put the tray near the fire/burner (source of heat) of the stove, just in the middle rack.
You probably will need to grease, butter & flour, or spray the pan with non-stick cooking spray if you do not use the paper tins. Otherwise, the cupcakes are much more likely to stick or to burn.
The bottom sheet does not burn because one would be careful not to position the bottom rack too close to the heating element.