That depends on what you are measuring; grams is a weight measurement, a cup is a volume measurement. A cup of lead weights will weigh far more that a cup of feathers will - it's not possible to generalise a conversion.
How many grams are in a thierd of a cup
How many grams are in 1 cup of corn flour?
There are 226.8 grams in 1 cup.
226 grams of water in an official cup.
1 cup of water is about 235 grams. -Other materials WILL differ.
1 cup of butter is equivalent to 227 grams.
There about 28 grams of protein in 1 cup of cashews, on average.
There is 220 grams of gelatine in one cup.
229.92 grams per 1 cup.
250 grams per cup.
Flour is approximately 124 grams per cup
250 grams in one cup.