im seventeen years old and im looking for a job in Kankakee IL
Of course, I have friends who are in Junior year and Senior year who have part time jobs. There are also alot of people who are Sophmores who have a part time job.
14 year oldss are not too yyoung to have a part-time job are they? I think a 14 year old could have a job as a waitress.
of course they can if they want to.
I don't have a job
Of course not why would you need a job at age 13 anyway
how old do need to get a part time job? which gender can get part time job easier?
that depends on if you can get to this place your self
Beverly Cleary's first job was as a librarian in 1939.
you cannot be 11 and have a part time job
nowhere. due to child labor laws you must be atleast 15 to have a part-time job, unless employed by your parents.