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worms sleep in your mouth. The y climb in when you are sleeping and they sleep with you.

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Q: Were do worms sleep
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Do worms sleep?

Worms do sleep.

Where do worm sleep?

Worms sleep in the soil.

Why do worms sleep?

Because they get tired.

How do worms sleep?

they go underground

Would you rather sleep in a bed of worms or bathe daily in a tub full of daddy long legs?

sleep in worms because the at lteast ill have chlothes on

Is it okay if your dog sleeps with you when it has worms?

It is typically not recommended for your dog to sleep with you while they have worms. This is because worms can be passed between humans and animals, increasing the risk of transmission. It is best to keep your dog in a separate sleeping area until they have been treated and are no longer contagious.

Do worms in kids cause teeth gritting in their sleep?

Yes.Worms have teeth! By: Chloe

Your puppie has worms and she was sleeping with your are you ok?

Of course not. You should go to the doctor. You can get a sickness mostly because when dogs have worms the worms like to travel and if you sleep with it or it sleeps with you the worms may come on you unless if you get away from the dog immediately if it comes to you. The lesser hair the dog has the faster the worms comes

How does billy in how to eat fried worms outsmart the boys when they dared him to sleep in the igloo?


What do baby slaters eat?

well it depends on what kind of slater you are talking aboutbecause there are 2 types one is noternal which sleeps during the day and the other one sleep like us at night!!but the both eat worms mainly bulby worms

How do you make a comfortable habite for inch worms?

give it some leaves to play with.give it some moss to sleep on.put it in a jar with holes for breathing.

What do woodpeckers usually eat?

wood burrowing insects, grubs, worms, arthropods. they ant very compless,all they do is eat and sleep an fly south for the winter