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verrazano did not like the alqonquins or any other indians,he disgraced them

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Q: How did Verrazano describe the Algonquians?
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Your ship sailed up the coastline blue you met algonquians tuscarora catawba and siouan groups too?

Giovanni verrazano

How would you describe the landscape of the Algonquians village?

they lived by rivers and streams

What was the Algonquians religion?

Algonquians were Midew or Midewiwin.

Did the Algonquians trade?

Beaver pelts, fur

What resources did the algonquians and the lenape use?

the algonquians and the lenape used the nature around them

What are some resources did the lenape and algonquians use?

the algonquians and the lenape used the nature around them

Were England allies Algonquians?

The English and Algonquians were allies during the French and Indian war.

Which is largest aboriginal tribe in Canada?

I think it is the Algonquians, or the Iroquois. Probably in favor of the Algonquians though.

When did the verrazano bridge open?

Giovanni De verrazano discovered the verrazano bridge in 1508

Where did the algonquians live in?


Who was the Verrazano-Narrows named after?

Giovanni da verrazano

What are facts about Verrazano?

Giovanni Da Verrazano was eaten by cannibals!