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Q: Summer tents built of bone by the inuit were called?
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What did the Inuits live in?

Years ago the Inuit built many types of houses. Inuit who lived near coasts built homes from sod and whale bones or rocks. Some Inuit stretched caribou skins over a wooden frame to make their homes. Some put summer tents made of seal skins. Inuit used used snow houses mainly while hunting. Today, most Inuit live in modern wooden houses.

What kind of homes did Inuit people live in?

In the winter the inuit people lived in igloos made of hard ice blocks. In the summer they lived in tents

What houses did the inuit live in?

Igloos cabins tents

Did the Inuit use the longhouse as a house?

Yes, but only in those areas where the summer thaw layer of permafrost was deep enough to allow digging into the ground and it wasn't too soggy. Tents in summer and snow houses ("igloos") in winter were a lot more common.

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What were the Inuit shelters made of?

They used ice and snow for their igloos and they used hide (skin) for their animal hide tents. The igloos were used mostly in the winter, but the animal hide tents were mostly used in the summer.

What kind of houses do the inuit live in?

Today's Inuit people live in regular houses like you and me but in the past they usually lived in igloos or land tents.

How did the inuit build home?

For igloos, they used snow and ice. For tents, they used animal skin.

What did Inuits live in in the summer?

the inuit lived in the same place always inless they were looking for food

What did the Inuit do all day long?

what did the inuit people do all day is.......... the inuit people would work with parents help with food and making tents and stuff like that but they are much diffrent then us normal people do all day. ;]

How did the Inuits build shelter?

in the winter they built igloos and summer the used animal skins to make tents

Do any humans live in cold deserts?

Inuit people live near the Arctic. Their homeland goes from the tip of Russia all the way to Alaska to the north part of Canada and little parts of Greenland. Inuit are also known as Eskimos, but they prefer Inuit. One Inuit is called Inuk. Inuit spread east and as they do they discover new ways to survive the tough climate. The animals they hunted in the water are: fish, seals, whales, and walruses. On land the Inuit hunt polar bears, musk oxen, caribou, and other small animals. They make tents and clothes out of animal skin. They make tools out of animal bones, horns, and teeth. In the summer they travel in kayaks that are covered in animal skin. In the winter they use sleds pulled by dogs. Inuit live in tents in the summer and in the winter they live in sod houses. When they are hunting they build igloos. Inuit are strong in spirit and mind. Inuit culture is based on nature; it is passed on by storytelling, family, drum dancing, culture laws, language, and tradition. As a young Inuk grows the learn how to do arts and crafts. Most inuit lost their traditional way of life because we have moved up to there homeland in the Arctic region. Pollution has melted the ice which also makes the Inuit homeland smaller by second.