The zip code in Calinan, Davao City is 8000.
Davao City is the largest city in the Phillippines, therefore Davao City is bigger than Manila.
Davao City: 8000
Davao City belongs to the province of Davao del Sur in the Philippines.
The current postal code for Davao City is 8000. Davao City is located in the Philippines.
The area of Davao City is 2,444 square kilometers.
Davao City was created on 1936-03-16.
SM City Davao was created in 2001.
The quality of water in Davao city is good.
DXRR - Davao City radio station was created on January 15, 2001.
The largest city in Mindano is Davao City also, Davao City is the 4th largest city in The Philippines.
Davao city gets its name from the Bagobo origins. The word davao came from the phonetic blending of three subgroups' names for the davao river, a major waterway emptying into the davao gulf.