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The Inuit

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Q: Who lived in houses made from blocks of packed snow?
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What where vikings everyday life?

Most people lived on farms. Their houses were made out of wood, stone or blocks of turf, with thatched or turf roofs.

What are African houses made from?

concrere blocks

What are houses in England made of?

Bricks or concrete blocks

Where are houses made of ice blocks?

Houses made of ice blocks are also known as snow houses or igloos. They are mainly located in parts of the Central Canadian Arctic, as well as parts in Greenland such as Thule.

When the inuit people lived in houses what were they made out of?

most houses were made out of wood and carvings

What are modern houses in Israel made out of?

cinder blocks and cement.

What are the houses made out of in the Gambia?

Mainly breeze blocks that are rendered.

What are houses made of in Norway?

They were made of huge ice blocks. The Inuit packed snow between the cracks to keep the building warm.

What shelters did homo habilis lived in?

lived in houses made of branches

Poor ancient Greece houses?

they lived in houses made of bricks and mud

What are houses in ensenada baja Mexico made out of?

Brick and cement blocks.

Where ancient greece houses made from sandstone?

No, their houses where made out of Grass and leaves. As they lived off the land they had.