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Q: How many people die from AIDS?
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Is aids a fatal disease how many people die from aids?

AIDS is fatal and usually 7 out of 10 people die from AIDS.

People die from AIDS?

Yes, people will die from AIDS.

How many people die of AIDS in LEDC's?

Their are 40million died from HIV/AIDS in LEDC's.

How many people die each year from AIDS?

Over 3 million people

How many people die of AIDS each day in South Africa?

According to an article by the North-South Institute on HIV/AIDS and Development, somewhere between five and six people die per minute from aids.

How many people die of AIDS per minute?

About five to six people die from AIDS per MINUTE. That proves AIDS is a deadl disease and that you should not have sex until marriage. HIV does not kill you but AIDS does. And AIDS is developed after you are HIV positive.

How many peoplee die from AIDS?

According to international health experts, approximately 33 million people worldwide have HIV/AIDS.

Do people die from AIDS?


What do people die annually from?


How can people die from AIDS?

by getting it

How many people are living with AIDS in Swaziland?

Nearly 40% of tested pregnant women are affected. 0.6% of the population die from AIDS every year

How long does it take for an aids virous to die?

It doesn't. It's with you for life. Most people die from Aids