In California the estate will be responsible for the debts of the deceased. Only after they are resolved can the estate be closed and any remainder distributed.
If the child is a minor, yes, they are. If the child is an adult, no, they are not.
No, in Kentucky, children are generally not responsible for a deceased parent's medical bills unless they have signed a separate agreement agreeing to be responsible for them. The estate of the deceased parent would typically be responsible for any outstanding medical bills.
The estate is responsible for paying the debts of the decedent. No distribution can be made until the debts are paid. If there is not enough to pay the debts the court will declare the estate to be insolvent and the creditors are out of luck.
The estate of the deceased is responsible. In many cases the spouse will be held responsible as well.
The estate of the deceased parent is responsible for the debt. The leinholder gets the car.
If you were not a joint debtor you are not responsible for repayment of deceased parent(s) debts.
The estate is responsible for all the debts of the deceased. The children are not required to pay them from their own funds, but it will reduce the amount they inherit.
In Georgia the estate is responsible for the medical bills of the deceased. Only after they are resolved can the estate be closed and any remainder distributed.
Generally, the deceased parent's estate is responsible for the debts of the deceased. The creditors should be notified of the death. If there are any assets the estate should be probated.
If they are not an account holder they are not responsible for the debt. All debts and assets and wills are handled in accordance with the state probate laws in which the deceased lived and/or owned property.