Clark Moustakas was born on May 26, 1923.
Spyros Moustakas died in 2002.
Sotiris Moustakas died on June 4, 2007 at the age of 66.
Spyros Moustakas was born in 1914.
Mike Moustakas is a third baseman for the Kansas City Royals.
Sotiris Moustakas was born on September 17, 1940.
Sotiris Moustakas was born on September 17, 1940.
Mike Moustakas was born on 1988-09-11.
MLB player Mike Moustakas is 6'-01''.
MLB player Mike Moustakas weighs 211 pounds.
MLB player Mike Moustakas throws right.
MLB player Mike Moustakas was born in Los Angeles, CA.