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Q: Why do people die from bee stings if not allergic?
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Can people die from bee stings if so why?

Yes. If they are allergic to the bee's venom. Without treatment they can go into anaphylactic shock and die. This is not very common though. Most people who are allergic are very cautious.

Could a bee sting make you die?

If you are allergic to bee stings, it most certainly could kill you.

Can you make yourself allergic to bees?

Bee sting allergies occur in people who have an abnormally high sensitivity to bee stings, which cause a physical reaction. Allergic reactions to bee stings can be life threatening.Anyone can suffer allergic reactions to bee stings. Although more people die from severe allergic reactions to bee stings each year than from snake bites, only a small number of people with bee sting allergies suffer these types of fatal reactions. Also, There are many ways you can help prevent bee stings. Don't use flowery colognes, soaps, or lotions, or wear brightly colored clothing, which attract bees. If a bee is near you, move away. Do not swat at the bee, which may aggravate it. Make sure any bee or wasp nests around your home are removed and destroyed.

What famous people died of bee sting?

There is no record of a famous person dying of a bee sting. However, around 100 people die every year as a result of allergic reactions to bee stings.

Why do people die from bee stings?

One can suffocate from swelling if sting is inside the throat. A very small proportion of people are also lethally allergic to the venom.

Can be people die from bee stings?


If a bee goes inside a persons mouth would they die?

The possible outcomes depend on a variety of factors.Possible outcomes for the bee:1. If the person bites it or swallows it, it will die2. If it stings the person, the bee will die3. If the person does not harm the bee and it simply flies back out, it will live.Possible outcomes for the person:1. The bee stings the person who is not allergic, he lives, with some discomfort.2. The bee stings the person who is allergic, he will be discomforted and might die.3. If the bee is swallowed without stinging, the person will live

Are horse allgeric to bee stings?

Horses can be allergic to bee stings and well as other bug bites. I have a horse that's allergic to fly bites and she looks like she has tumors cause they get so big!

Do hornets die after a sting?

If you mean bee or wasp stings, then the answer is yes although it hardly ever happens. Some people are allergic to the formic acid of the sting and can go into anaphylactic shock from which they COULD die if they don't get treatment. But as I said, it hardly ever happens.

Do people die from bee stings?

yes ,they do if they are not given the antidote in time.

Can you die from a allergic action?

Yes you sure can. Severe anaphalactic shock can occur from bee stings, to people eating peanut butter. The person can experience respiratory congestion and die from not being able to breath.

Can a black or white wasp sting kill you?

Some people are allergic to bee stings and can die quickly from a single sting if not medically treated. Even if you are not allergic, you can also die from bee sting if you are stung many times.