Frankincense, myrrh, jasmine, rose and benzoin should never be ingested. Most of the accidents concerning essential oils are the result of people ingesting them without consulting a professional. Many aromatherapists are opposed to taking essential oils internally.
It is not advisable to ingest any essential oils without first consulting a professional trained in the prescribing of essential oils for internal use. It is not something that mainstream aromatherapists are trained to do.
The essential oils used during massage are absorbed into the skin and enter the body effectively enough in this way without having to take them internally. It is far easier to control the rate of absorption in this way and far safer.
Always consult a professional aromatherapist before using essential oils in any way, as there are various safety considerations and reactions to consider. Any essential oils should be diluted before applying to the skin and the dilution should be around 3%.
If it was Christmas then it would be - Frankincense.
You can use frankincense internally being that it is safe and has few known side effects.
In the practice of homeopathy, frankincense is believed to be the most effective essential oil for the treatment of fibroids. Clover oil helps reduce their size.
I have used frankincense oil for a number of things, including skin eruptions and....hold onto your hat..... basal cell cancer, of which I have had a few. I use the oil and it is the best of the best.
You can purchase Frankincense essential oil from any online essential oil company like Young Living or doTERRA. You can also purchase essential oils from amazon or ebay, but you won't always get the best quality oils that are 100% pure.
Frankincense is edible and used in traditional medicines in Africa and Asia. For internal consumption it should be translucent with no black or brown properties, it can be chewed like gum.
Frankincense oil is used in aromatherapy for its calming and grounding effects. It is also used in skincare products for its ability to help reduce the appearance of blemishes and rejuvenate the skin. Additionally, some people use frankincense oil for its potential anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties.
That would depend on how much oil is in or added to the ingredients and how much you eat.
The grain offering was a voluntary offering that could accompany burnt offerings. Flour mixed with oil and frankincense was one type, while another was a cake made with flour and oil. Another type was unripe heads of grain roasted and mixed with oil and frankincense. The significance of the offering was to express homage and thanksgiving to God.
It might be dangerous to ingest it since it contain erucic acid. You can refer to an article here to read about it.