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Yes, over time Orange Juice does lose Vitamin C.

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Q: How does orange juice lose vitamin C?
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Does orange juice lose vitamin C?

A whole orange contains vitamin C and not just the inside of it. So when you make fruit juice and use only the inside part of the fruit, it is essentially not getting all the vitamin C out of the orange. And you don't always get all of the inside of the orange either, so there are bits and pieces that contain the vitamin that you won't get when making orange juice.

Is orange juice contains vitamin C a theorem?

yes orange juice contains vitamin c and theorem.

How much vitamins in Orange juice?

how much vitamin c is in an orange compared to concentrated Orange Juice withou added vitamin c

What has more vitamin c orange juice or grape juice?

Orange juice

Does orange juice lose vitamin C the longer it sits in the refrigerator?

yeah of cours it does lady/man

Do soft drinks have vitamin c?

YOu can drink orange juice and orangeade. That has lots of vitamin C.

What nutrients does orange juice has?

Vitamin C

What nutrients does orange juice?

Vitamin C

Can orange juice decay from heat?

Heating orange juice can destroy Vitamin C.

Which orange drink has the most vitamin c?

Orange juice, of course

Why do apple juice contain high vitamin c?

Apples are not a natural source of vitamin C. If apple juice contains high vitamin C, it is because it has been added to the juice.

How much vitamin c is in apple juice?

This site give a breakdown. Kiwis and strawberries have more Vitamin C than oranges.