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A fat cell is a round cell. The structure of the fat cell that helps the cell function is the shape allows the fat cell to accumulate a lot of lipids.

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Q: How does the structure of the fat cell help with its function?
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What is the function fat cell?

A fat cell stores energy for later use.

What is the synthetic reaction involved in making fat molecules?

Lipids provide the structure of membranes and some cell walls and function in energy storage.

This cell structure is made up of a double layer of a fat molecules?

It is the cell menbrane

Which of the following is not a function fat performs for the body?

Energy storage is not a function that fat performs for the body. Fat serves as a source of energy, insulation, and protection for vital organs.

What function fat does not performs for the body?

It promotes cell growth - APEX

What function does fat perform for the body?

It promotes cell growth - APEX

Structure of a lipid?

a fat cell, is also an animal cell, so it also has all the same parts that a animal cell would, a smooth endoplasmic reticulum, a rough endoplasmic reticulum , a nucleus, chromosomes,a cell membrane, a vacuole, mitochondria, robosomes, a Golgi apparatus, lusosomes etc. but most importantly it has lipid(fat) that takes up most of the fat cell.

What is the function of steriods within a cell?

All i know is that steriodsturn fat in to mucsle.

Which statement best relates to how the structure of a lipid influences the lipid's function?

A phospholipid has a charged head and an uncharged tail.

Why fats of animal origin?

Fats are one of the three major substances that form animal cells and tissues. The original, and probably the most important, function of fats is in the structure of the cell membrane, also called the phospholipid bilayer. The 'lipid' part of the name refers to a type of fat. What that means is that every cell of every living animal has to have fat in order to make its body cells. After that, fat serves many other functions, such as storage of energy.

What is the relationship between a cell's shape and its function?

The shape of the cell determines its function function because take for example skin cells. They are flat and protect the cell like it's function. Addition: Red blood cells have an indent on which they carry and transport oxygen molecules.

Is every cell enclosed by a membrane?

Plant cells are enclosed by a cell membrane and cell wall. The cell wall is a rigid structure made up of cellulose and the cell membrane is a semipermeable membrane made up of protein and fat.