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about 2000 calories. according to the Mifflin-St Jeor equation

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Q: How many calories could a 16 year old that's 140 pounds and 5'2 consume to not gain weight?
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How much weight could you lose a day on an all meat diet?

Weight loss depends not on what you eat, but rather how many calories you consume. You can lose weight eating whatever you want, so long as you consume fewer calories than you burn.

How could you lose weight but consume more Calories?

By burning more calories, this can be done through any form of physical activity, be it running or working out. The best way to lose weight is not to only to eat less, which would lower your calorie intake, but exercise more.

Does chocolate cheerios help prevent weight loss?

Depending on to what extent you were to eat the chocolate cheerios would effect weight loss. If you excessively ate them you could consume extra calories leading up to prevented weight loss.

Can you lose weight if you only eat breakfast lunch and dinner and nothing else?

If you only eat breakfast, lunch, dinner and nothing else, you could lose weight. It will depend upon what you eat, how many calories you would consume and the amount of calories you would burn daily.

How many calories should you burn for weight loss?

It doesn't matter how many calories you burn - if you burn more each day in exercise than you consume each day in food, you'll lose weight. But if you're a big eater, you could work out 20 hours a day and not lose weight.

How much calories are in a kilogram?

Calories are not a form of weight. It could be different amounts for different foods no-matter what the weight is.

I am eight to ten pounds over weight and only stands 5feet tall what do I do to loose it?

Basically you will need to burn more calories than you consume, diet and exercise are not the only way. you could go on an all salad diet. There is no magic bullet. I have lost 90 lbs and have kept it off since 1994.

How do you get smaller in weight?

Weight loss is all about taking in less calories than you use. You burn calories just by breathing, pumping blood, and thinking. You burn calories by walking and other types of activity. To lose weight safely, nutritionists generally recommend consuming about 500 calories less per day than normal. You'll lose about a pound a week that way. Also, if you increase your physical activity, you could lose even more. If you consume 500 less and burn 250 more per day, you'll have a deficit of about 750 calories. Each pound is about 3500 calories, so you'll be losing about 1.5 pounds a week. As you decrease the calories you consume, consider eliminating high calorie drinks and snacks. Instead, eat lots of fruits and vegetables, whole grains (like breads and pastas), lean meats, and low fat dairy products. You want to continue getting all of those vitamins and minerals your body needs, just in less calories than you are used to.

How many calories should a Fifty year old man of five foot eleven inches weighing two hundred five pounds consume?

I calculated, using the Harris-Benedict equation that you need to consume about 2340 calories per day to maintain your weight. This is assuming that you are most sedentary, meaning you do little or no exercise. If you are a little bit more active than that (light exercise and activity a few days a week) it would be more like 2500 calories. If neither of those fit your description, use a search engine and search "BMR" or "Harris Benedict equation" and you should be able to calculate for yourself. Obviously, the more active you are the more calories you burn per day. If you are trying to lose weight, this could mean being able to eat more calories!

If you weigh 260lbs how many calories could you eat a day to lose weight?

You could only eat about 2100 calories a day.

How much fat can you eat on your daily calories?

You should consume at least 0.75g of protein per kg body weight. After calculating the amounts of calories you get form the recommended intake of protein you subtract that from your daily caloric need. The number you now have should be divided by 9 and you have the amount of fat (in grams) that you should eat to reach your caloric need. Because carbohydrates are non-essential I did not include them. The lowest amount of fat you should consume is 1g per kg body weight. So if you want to consume carbohydrates you could easily add them into the equation.

How much can you loose in 1 to 2 months im 5 5ft and 68 kgs 160lbs if i walk and bike everyday and eat healthy how much could i loose?

How much weight you can lose in 1 to 2 months if you are 5 ft 5 inches and weight 160 pounds, if you walk and bike every day and eat healthy will depend on the exact amount of time you exercise and how many calories you consume.