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Q: Is glycogen a complex carbohydrate that you get directly by eating plants?
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Can you gain a lot of weight eating a lot of carbs?

You can and you will....sugar is carbohydrate. Complex carbohydrate are better because they don't trigger so much insulin response...

Humans store energy for short-term use as?

Humans store energy for short-term use as glycogen in the liver and muscles. Glycogen is a form of carbohydrate that can be quickly converted to glucose for energy when needed.

What is the best way to replenish glycogen?

The best way to replenish glycogen stores is to consume a combination of carbohydrates and protein after exercising. Aim to consume a meal or snack that contains easily digestible carbohydrates, such as fruits, grains, or sports drinks, within 30 minutes to 2 hours post-exercise to optimize glycogen replenishment. Additionally, staying adequately hydrated is also important for glycogen replenishment.

What is the stored carbohydrates in animals?

Glycogen is a long, very "branchy" chain of glucose molecules stored primarily in the liver and muscle tissue. After eating, the liver converts much of the carbohydrate content of a meal into glycogen which keeps blood glucose levels at a relatively constant level (even if the meal is very high in sugar and other carboydrates). After the meal has been thoroughly digested and blood glucose levels begin to fall, the liver begins breaking down its glycogen stores to blood glucose levels so that other organs can continue to function normally. Glycogen in muscles acts primarily as a "fast-acting" energy reserve for the muscles during strenuous exercise, and the glycogen in muscles cannot be used by any other parts of the body as muscle cells lack the enzyme that allows glucose to pass from the cells into the blood stream. Adipose tissue (fat) is the main form of stored energy in animals, being much more compact than glycogen. However, it is a lipid, not a carbohydrate.

Can you carbohydrate load by eating a whole loaf of bread and it have the same effect on weight training as it does with running?

No, it does not have the same effect on weight training as it does with running when you carbohydrate load by eating a whole loaf of bread.

What would rapidly reverse ketosis?


Which of the following is a characteristic of glycogen synthesis after a bout of strenous training?

Glycogen repletion is enhanced most by eating foods w/a high glycemic index Nutrition 200~jm~

What is the carbohydrate used to store excess sugar in the liver?

Excess calories no matter what they originate from will be stored as fat.Please remember carbs as such are not the enemy:They give you energyThey help burn fat rather than muscle, andThey provide much needed fibreTo ensure that you are eating the right carbs, please keep to eating wholegrains rather than white foods such as white bread, pasta rice etc...Also, eating proteins and carbohydrates together will help slow down the release of food so that you feel fuller for longer.

What is the main effect of regularly eating too much carbohydrate?

jizzing your pants

Do nutrious and nutritious have the same meaning.?

nutrition is what we get our of eating food which are rich in protein and carbohydrate

Where can you find an accurate carbohydrate guide?

Accurate carbohydrate guides can be found on the homepages of many reputable organizations. These include Health Canada, Dial-a-dietician, and Eating for Energy.

What is a function of glycogen?

A carbohydrate storage molecule in animals that can be accessed faster than fat molecules.Glycogen is a multibranched polysaccharide that serves as a form of energy storage in animals and fungi.