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bad, bad, BAD

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Q: Is pig fat good or bad for your health?
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Related questions

What is a good assault to fat people?

you are as fat as an ugly pig stupid

Is it bad for your cats health if you get a guinea pig?

The guinea pig will not give the cats diseases if you make them friends or leave them seperated.

Paris Hilton is a big fat pig?

No Paris is not fat , and is not a pig.

Is eating cake and ice cream bad for you?

yes. you are a fat pig and you should stop. jk. its amazing.

What food has pig fat?

Sausage can have pig fat added. But if you do not mean as just an added ingredient, then Bacon is an obvious source of pig fat. So is ham, pork chops, pork roast, salt pork, pork hocks, BBQ pork and pork ribs for a few examples.

how old is a big fat pig?

it is a big fat pig so it is a big fat pig

A fat pig that eats chips?

A pig that regularly consumes a diet high in chips will likely become overweight and could develop health issues such as obesity, heart disease, and high cholesterol. It's important to feed pigs a balanced diet that includes appropriate nutrients to keep them healthy.

Where does pig fat come from?

A pig. ?

Is Jackson a fat pig?

He is as big as an elephant and as fat a pig that has eaten poo

What is it that observant Muslims do not allow?

Muslims are not allowed to eat pig, pork , or any pig fat or anything from it, because we consider it not good for us at the day of judgment/ last day of our lives!!! Muslims are not allowed to eat pig, pork , or any pig fat or anything from it, because we consider it not good for us at the day of judgment/ last day of our lives!!! ----------------------- 1-Drinking. 2-Sex without marriage. 3-Raping. 4-Stealing. 5-Killing. Anything bad is most probably forbidden.

What is a duroc pig?

a duroc is a fat pig.

How old does a potbelly pig get?

a pot belly pig, if kept in good health can live anywhere from 15-20 years.