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No. While certain deficiencies causing blood abnormalities, such as iron-deficiency anemia, would encourage one to choose a slightly different diet (one higher in iron, in the case of anemia), whether A,O or B, your nutritional needs should be the same.

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16y ago
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9y ago

Yes, it is true! There are many different foods that go for different blood types. You're either a blood type A or blood type B. Blood type A you need to eat more fruits. Blood type B you need to eat more vegetables.

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12y ago

No, any healthy well-balanced diet with moderate regular exercise will be healthy for you. The fad diets for blood types are no more true than any other fad diets.

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Meal preparation for different blood types?

Each blood type requires different specific foods. Take note of what type you are and prepare your meals accordingly to the foods your blood type needs.

Diet plans for people with a certain blood type.?

This can be important because it effects the way food is digested and metabolized. Different blood types effect that. Every person processes foods different so its important to figure out which ones you digest best.

What are traits of type A blood?

There are two different types of A blood types, there is the one that originated from Europe and one that originated from the Arctic. The two blood types have specific properties and each require certain foods to be healthy.

Which foods are good for different blood types?

Different doctor may have answers as to what foods are best to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Your doctor may be able to give you a list of foods to avoid or which to enjoy more of.

Do certain blood types require certain foods?

Though there is no need to maintain a blood type centered diet, it is widely considered to be helpful. It is believed that lectins in food can affect different types of blood cells.

Where can I find information about the correlation between certain foods and people with blood type B?

WebMD as plenty of information and is the most "official" website that you will find for this type of information. Different foods react to blood types in different ways. There are charts set up to determine which foods are best for you.

Where can I find a chart of different foods for different blood types?

To find a chart that has specific diets for blood types ask your health care provider, go to a local blood bank. Before following any diet you should check with your health care provider as each individual is different.

Is there a diet program designed for your blood type?

There are different dietary recommendations for different blood types. You can find out more about the right foods for your blood type here .

How are blood types different?

Blood types have different cells in them as well as different antigens.

Do dogs have different blood types?

yes. dogs have different blood types?

What types of food should those with type O blood avoid, according to the blood type diet?

I do not know what type of foods should be avoided for O blood types. I have O type blood and I don't avoid any particular foods. I enjoy all different varieties of food. I don't think I should eat more acidic food rather than alkaline based foods.

What are the diet plans for the various blood types?

Everyone has different eating habit based on there blood types. Certain blood types require you to eat different types of foods so it can flow properly throughout your body. such as diabetics should not eat alot of sugar. Most types of diets are the same for all bloood types but you might need more of acertain food than of another food depending on which ever blood type you have