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Q: Too much salt in the diet can lead to what?
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What happens when you have to much salt in your diet?

Usually if you have too much salt in your diet it can lead to you feeling sluggish, bloated, and can cause high blood pressure.

Why is a high salt diet dangerous?

Too much sodium can lead to high blood pressure, hypertension and stroke/heart attack.

Eating too much salt can lead to what?


Why should people reduce the amount of salt they consume?

Many people eat too much salt as a part of their diet, thus creating an imbalance between salt and water in their bodies, which can lead to dehydration and heart problems. Too much salt can contribute to water retention which puts increased stress on a person's heart and blood vessels.

Can salt improve health?

You can keep balanced diet with it but too much is NOT healthy for you.

How do people get high blood?

too much sodium aka salt in their diet or to much sugar !!

Can you get diabetes from eating too much salt?

no, but it will lead to bigger thighs and arms

Why happens if a person has too much intake of salt in their diet?

Mainly it'll raise their blood pressure.

Too much salt causes what?

Too much salt can cause high blood pressure. High blood pressure can cause heart disease and other health problems.The recommended daily intake for salt is 2,5-5 g; too much salt in the diet is considered now as a cause of high arterial pressure.

What are the effects of too much salt?

It can give you high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and can lead to dehydration.

What salt solutions would react with lead?

sulphate will react too lead

What is possible consequence of too much sodium in the diet?

Now is considered that high sodium in diet lead to health problems as higher arterial pressure.