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Q: What do we need to eat a variety of foods to get a diet that is?
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Why do we need to eat fatty foods?

You need fat (oil) in your diet, but you don't need to eat fatty foods.

What foods do you need to eat more of?

you need to eat a balanced diet of everything.

Is the fruit diet good for you?

Fruit is an important part of a healthy diet. But you need a broader variety of foods as well. You should also eat vegetables and breads. You can eat some lean meats too, but that is not necessary.

Can you eat your favorite foods when on a diet?

Yes.But only if you need diet food.

Why do teens need to eat a variety of foods?

Teens need to eat the usual daily routine to gain a healthy life.

Which foods are best for adding dextrose to the diet?

Dextrose, a simple sugar, can be found in a large variety of foods. To add more dextrose to the diet one could eat more honey, corn syrup, desserts, candy, processed foods, and starchy foods.

What kinds of diet foods do bodybuilders eat?

To be a bodybuilder, you'll need to know how to eat, in order to build muscle. You'll need to cut bad foods out of your diet, those things high in fat, and sugary junk foods. Eat a cleaner diet, such as lean proteins, chicken, lean meats, and carbohydrates, such as potatoes and oatmeal. This is a great place to start.

You need to control the amount of fattening foods you eat which diet planning principle is this?


Can a cockatiel eat parrot food?

Yes, but they really need to eat the larger grains found in cockatiel seed. In addition, all seed is a poor diet for any parrot. They require a variety of healthy, nutritious foods also.

Why must organisms eat a variety of foods each day?

Not all organisms do eat a variety of foods.

Where can I find a diabetic diet guideline online?

With a diabetic diet, you will mainly need to cut sugars and fats out of your foods. You need to eat things that are fresh and healthy, your doctor can also give you a list of foods.

What is a good balanced diet plan?

There is really no need to stick to one specific diet or cut foods out to be on a diet. Rather, focus your meals around the freshness of foods, the color, and ensure you have a variety. Eat smaller portions and listen to your body. Fill up on colorful fruits and vegetables and drink plenty of water, rather than sodas.