Not only that, but they ARE dinosaurs.
The clade Aves is actually a subgroup of Dinosauria.
Chickens are birds, which scientists believe descended from the dinosaurs. So, in a way, yes, chickens are dinosaurs.
No. Turtle are from a branch of reptiles completely separate from dinosaurs.
Well chickens are descendants of dinosaurs which would make it millions of years old. Here is a fun yet informative link connecting the TRex to chickens!
Birds are direct descendants of dinosaurs so they did not die out.
Young dinosaurs would have been called hatchlings. If you are asking what evolved from dinosaurs, the only descendants of dinosaurs are the birds.
Yes. All birds are direct descendants of dinosaurs and are considered by many to be dinosaurs.
Birds, which are not just considered descendants of dinosaurs; they are dinosaurs.
Lizards and crocodiles are descendants of saurians, though they are not dinosaurs. Birds, however, are dinosaurs.
NO. Alligators are not dinosaurs. They are related though. Dinosaurs, Alligators and Crododiles belong to a group called archosauria. The only descendants of dinosaurs alive today are birds.
Most dinosaurs were herbivores. There was a wide variety or carnivorous dinosaurs, though, and all herbivorous dinosaurs evolved from the earliest carnivorous dinosaurs. Birds are descendants of carnivorous dinosaurs.
Some people believe that some descendants of the dinosaurs that live in the sea include crocodiles or alligators. These animals have been on the planet for millions of years.